The Natter
The Natter
The Coaching Hub Conversations - with James Thie
Episode Two of the Coaching Hub Conversations.
A partnership between Cardiff Met Sport TV and the Cardiff Met University Sports Coaching Hub.
The Sports Coaching Hub provides trusted, robust and cutting edge research on sports coaching to inform practice and coach education.
Our guest for this episode is elite running coach James Thie. James is also the Director of Met Athletics, and is currently studying a DSC (a Doctorate in Sports Coaching)
As an athlete James competed for Wales in international competition and has done so in two Commonwealth Games (Melbourne 2006 and Delhi 2010).
During his 25 year athletics career, James represented Great Britain multiple times and made major championship finals in the 1500m at World and European level.
Although he is still competing (he has won World Masters Indoor titles in the 800m, 1500m and 3000m) he has turned his main focus to coaching. Since his first athlete in 2007, James now coaches over 30 athletes in distances ranging from the 400m up to Marathon.
James has been a member of the Cardiff School of Sport in a period spanning 3 decades; first, as an undergraduate student in 1997, before returning as a coach in 2008 and commencing his MA postgraduate studies in 2010. In 2011, he became a member of staff.